The house wherein my appartment is, might exist since the Second World War. Although the floor slopes as well as the walls, every step creaks and the windows could also be missing because of their non-existing isolation. It has seen a lot of residents and could probably tell a hundred stories. Its history goes back 100 years and it broadcasts a certain charm.
This was the fundamental part of my photography project. Of course some memorabilia of earlier residents can be found and the material shows diversial traces of usage. I was primarily interested in these details of my appartment. In contrast I shot relicts from me and my roommates I recognized during the development of my project. These remnants were more short-lived. They can more be seen as traces for life which are removed regularly.

To give the whole project a broader perspective I enlarged my radius and included the exterior view of old buildings. I didn’t just choose old houses.

Either they had some special details or they were built as minimal as possible. The exciting contrast here was, that it will never be found out if the houses look similar indoors or completely different as their face. This thought led to the title “Deceptive packaging”.
Having finalised the idea I started taking the pictures. I decided to use a very strong flash for the interior detailed ones. The flash and the close-up view should accentuate the details. The outdoor photos were shot during cloudy days with less sunshine and further distance to the object. This look should be contrary to the close-ups.

Finally I had to decide how the pictures should be presented later. I was sure that I would like to present them in a very clean form and in a large format. A newspaper seemed perfect for this project. As I never printed a newspaper before I was very excited. I adopted the necessary knowledge and had it printed by the Newspaper Club.
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Second semester

mentoring by Oliver Jung

June 2015


Newspaper Club


